inflatable water park–OH1-105
inflatable water park–OH1-105
inflatable water park–OH1-105
inflatable water parkOH1-105

This inflatable water park is made of 4 main parts: 3 round uppblásnar laugar, a large slide with small lanes reaching into the pools. On the big slide, there are also coconut trees in the center and orangutans in the three corner.

Vara smáatriði Viðbrögð núna

Introduction of the water park

It's a simple ground water park, composed of a big blue round inflatable pool, double lane octopus pool slide, small inflatable dolphin slides and an inflatable decoration of sea animals and plants.

For the large inflatable pool slide, there are 2 lanes in the middle and 2 curved climbing ladders on 2 outer sides for adults bigger children. On the top of the slide, there is a large inflatable octopus with 2 door for the lanes.

For the small dolphin slide, there are 2 shorter and gentle lanes, which are more suitable for small children.

Pökkun & Afhending

Upplýsingar um pökkun: Sterkur PVC presenningapoki & flutt venjuleg öskju
Upplýsingar um afhendingu: 7-15 virka daga eftir móttöku innborgunar


Stærð(L * W * H): Overall size: 20x16x7.5m

Einnig er hægt að aðlaga stærðina

Efni: best Plato 0.55mm and 0.9mm PVC tarpaulin
Eiginleiki: Vatnsheldur, UV-þolið, eldvarnarefni, varanlegur, háan hita og lágan hitaþolinn
Einkunn: Auglýsing
Prentun: Ókeypis lógóprentun er í boði
Blásari: ÞETTA, spennu og stinga mætti ​​aðlaga
Verðhjöðnun: Þéttir þenslu rennilásar
Aukahlutir: CE blásari og viðgerðarsett
Skírteini: ÞETTA& RoSH &EN-14960
Greiðsla: L / C, T / T, Western Union, Reiðufé
Viðskiptakjör: EXW, FOB,CRF, CIF verð
Ábyrgð: 2 ár
Afhendingarmáti Með sjó, Með flugi, Með tjáningu
MOQ: 1stykki

Pictures of this water park


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