
マナドを訪れた人は有名なパラダイスオーシャンパークについて聞いてください. トランポリンを含む巨大な水上ウォーターパークがあります, ドーム, ハイローラー, モンキーバー, スイング, ウィグルブリッジなど. 大人も子供も好きなゲームを見つけることができます.

ドームとトランポリンでジャンプ. Monkey bar let visitors to hold on the handrails and climb to pass the bar. And swing need players to play on a swing by holding the handrails with their hands. When they play in such a water park, they can not only release their pressure, but also have exercise.

Because of our professional work, even this sea water park has been used for more than 3 年, it’s still in good condition.


If you are also looking for a water play equipment to attract visitors, think about our floating water parks.


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