
東ヨーロッパで涼しい夏を過ごしたい? 次に、ポーランドのebフローティングウォーターパークを紹介します。.

きれいな水と新鮮な空気に囲まれています, 面白いゲームを含む, ウォーターパークは、訪問者に無制限の楽しさとクレイジーな体験を提供し、一日をリラックスして過ごすことができます.

選手が水泳だけでボードに乗ったとき, they can jump on the trampoline, clime the rock climbing, slide down the water etc. If they want to play more exciting games, then they can swing and dangle through the monkey bar over the water, or play the jumping pillow with your partner.


To help water park operators to register new guests, we can help supply the inflatable beach tent which is easy to set up and fold.

It can also be used as a shade for people on the beach to have a rest.

Need more information about our inflatable water plays? Just contact us. With 10 year experience, we can help to make the best plan for you.
