OHO Nei DWF opbloosbar kal Tauche Äis Waasser Dëppchen fir Muskel Entspanung oder Therapie

Super liicht a kompakt, Dësen extra déif freestanding ausklappbare Dëppchen kann eng Persoun passen a mat just Äis oder mat all portable Kill- / Heizungseenheet benotzt ginn.
Hiergestallt mat héchste Qualitéitskomponenten a verdickten isoléierten thermesche Maueren fir d'Temperatur méi kal ze halen. Far from other plastic bathtubs, the IceBarrel is made from ultra-durable drop-stitch materials, giving rock-hard surfaces all over the pool. You can even sit and stand on the edges without bending it.
Enjoy an ice bath in any space, even in small rooms, indoors or outdoors, so you can take the plunge at any time, wherever you want.