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  • Газар доорх усан парк

Газар доорх усан парк

  • Хийлдэг газар доорх усан паркын төлөвлөгөө OH11-08

    OHO inflatable water park project In this ground water park, there are several inflatable theme parks, like the dinosaur water park, elephant water park, submarine theme water park. Besides, there are also combo of frame pools and inflatable slide. We also designed giant water slides for those who enjoy challenge.…
  • OHO хийлдэг газар хөгжилтэй парк OH11-50

    OHO inflatable fun water park project This water park covers more than 1500 square meter area, containing many inflatable equipments. Main part of the park is the theme park--the inflatable pool with candy theme slide. With some floating toys in it, the kids can play there all day. Besides, there…
  • Далайн ертөнц Хийлдэг усан парк-OH1-103

    Introduction Wanna play water with sea animals? Тэгвэл манай үзэсгэлэнт далайн ертөнц хийлдэг усан паркад хүрэлцэн ирээрэй, Та том наймалж слайд тоглож болно, дунд зэргийн хэмжээтэй дун эсвэл далайн гахайн жижиг гулсуур. Ийм бүтэцтэй, Энэ усан паркыг хөдөлгөж, тохируулахад хялбар. And the big…
  • Хийлдэг мэлхийн усан парк-OH1-110

    Introduction OHO trippo inflatable water park is composed of 3 inflatable pools and a large slide compo. So it can accommodate up to 400 хүн нэг дор. Since it's a large park, payers can just play in the pool or shut through the slide and different pools. For energetic children,…
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