Napihljivi plavajoči vodni park v Manado

Ljudje, ki so obiskali Manado mora slišati znamenitega parka Paradise Ocean. Obstaja ogromen plavajoči vodni park vključno trampolin, kupola, visoko valj, opica bar, gugalnica, wiggle premostiti itd. Odrasli in otroci se lahko tako najdete igre jim je všeč.

Dome in trampolin jih skok. Monkey bar let visitors to hold on the handrails and climb to pass the bar. And swing need players to play on a swing by holding the handrails with their hands. When they play in such a water park, they can not only release their pressure, but also have exercise.

Because of our professional work, even this sea water park has been used for more than 3 leta, it’s still in good condition.


If you are also looking for a water play equipment to attract visitors, think about our floating water parks.


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