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Valentínusardagurinn sérstakur þakklæti: Hönd í hönd með þér, Faðma bjarta framtíð
On Valentine's Day, OHO expresses heartfelt gratitude to all our customers. In the future, we will continue to innovate and provide more high-quality cold plunge pools and health products, looking forward to creating more beautiful moments with you.Lestu meira -
Að fara í nýja ferð í 2025, Oho heldur aftur af aðgerðum
VAKNAÐU, leiðandi birgir kaldra sökkva sundlaugar, Farst opinberlega aftur á nýjan leik eftir Spring Festival fríið í febrúar 5, 2025. Með áherslu á nýsköpun vöru og framúrskarandi þjónustu við viðskiptavini, OHO is ready to help businesses worldwide benefit from the best cold plunge solutions for recovery and wellness. Join us…Lestu meira -
OHO Annual Review: Creating Brilliance Together, Embarking on the New Journey of 2025
On January 23, 2025, OHO successfully held its 2024 annual meeting with the theme "Growing Towards the Sun, Moving Forward in Pursuit of Light." The meeting summarized the achievements of 2024 and outlined the goals for 2025, highlighting the company’s innovative strength in the industry and the collective efforts of…Lestu meira -
Kalt bað vs. Gufubað: Alhliða samanburður á aðgerðum og áhrifum
Cold baths and saunas offer unique benefits. Cold baths help alleviate muscle fatigue, draga úr bólgu, and accelerate recovery, making them ideal for athletes and individuals after intense exercise. Saunas, on the other hand, relax the body, detoxify, and improve blood circulation, making them perfect for stress relief and skin health…Lestu meira -
Kalt bað vs. Heitt bað: Tvöfalt val fyrir bata og heilbrigðisstjórnun
Cold baths and hot baths are two effective hydrotherapy methods, each with unique body recovery benefits. This article compares the differences between cold and hot baths and introduces OHO’s high-quality cold and hot bath tubs to help you achieve health management and fast recovery.Lestu meira -
Cold Bathing Precautions: Hámarka ávinning og tryggja öryggi | OHO Cold Plunge Pool Experts
This article explores essential precautions for cold bathing, ensuring you get the best results while using OHO cold plunge pools. Learn how to choose the right temperature, control bath duration, and follow proper preparation and recovery methods for a safe and effective cold bath experience. Whether for post-workout recovery or…Lestu meira -
Byrjaðu orkugefinn þinn með köldu baði
Byrjaðu daginn með orkubroti með því að fella kalt böð inn í morgunrútínuna þína. OHO’s portable cold bath tub offers an easy and effective way to boost focus, improve mood, and create a lasting ritual that enhances your overall well-being. Learn how cold bathing can energize your day…Lestu meira -
Oho jólaþakklæti: Þakklátur fyrir samstarf þitt, Hlakka til framtíðar
In this festive season, Oho lýsir einlægum þakklæti fyrir traust og samstarf sem við höfum fengið frá viðskiptavinum okkar, partners, and employees. Reflecting on the accomplishments of 2024, we are excited about continuing our journey of innovation and excellence in the coming year. OHO will remain dedicated to delivering high-quality products,...Lestu meira -
Great Team, Lovely Team, To Be the No. 1
At OHO, we believe that teamwork is the cornerstone of our success. Through continuous innovation, meticulous craftsmanship, and close collaboration, we move toward our goal of becoming an industry leader. Our recent team dinner event reflected our shared values and team spirit. Alongside our innovation in cold plunge pools and…Lestu meira -
Hvers vegna er eftirspurnin eftir köldum setlaugum stöðugt vaxandi?
Kald sökklalaugar eru fljótt að verða bata fyrir íþróttamenn og heilsuáhugamenn. With growing scientific evidence supporting the benefits of cold water therapy, the demand for high-quality cold plunge pools is skyrocketing. In this article, we explore the reasons behind this growth, market trends, and how…Lestu meira -
Kannaðu öfluga kosti ísvatnsmeðferðar
Uppgötvaðu öflugan ávinning af ísvatnsmeðferð með OHO flytjanlegu köldu vatnsbaðpottinum. Perfect for professional athletes and fitness enthusiasts, it helps accelerate recovery, improve sleep, draga úr bólgu, enhance circulation, and boost immunity. Get your OHO bath tub now and experience a new level of health and…Lestu meira -
OHO styrkir liðsheildina – Árangursrík Shanwei hópuppbyggingarferð
OHO Strengthens Team Bonding-Successful Shanwei Team-Building Trip From November 10 to 11, 2024, the OHO team ventured to Shanwei for a vibrant and memorable team-building trip. This event provided an opportunity to relax, connect with one another, and experience the charm of nature and culture, while strengthening the bonds within…Lestu meira -
OHO Shines at Global Sources Sports & Outdoor 2024: Cold Plunge Pools and Sauna Tents in the Spotlight
OHO Shines at Global Sources Sports & Outdoor 2024: Cold Plunge Pools and Sauna Tents in the Spotlight The Global Sources Sports & Outdoor 2024 show in Hong Kong has successfully concluded, and OHO’s innovative products captured significant attention. As a leading brand in the cold plunge pool and sauna…Lestu meira -
Ný vörusetning: OHO Inflatable Snow Sled
Discover OHO's Inflatable Snow Sled – a durable, high-performance sled perfect for all ages. Fast inflation, easy storage, and maximum winter fun for families and snow lovers alike.Lestu meira -
Oho Changsha City Walk Trip 2023
VAKNAÐU 2023 Gönguferð um Changsha City var spennandi viðburði í liðinu þar sem starfsmenn OHO könnuðu fallega þéttbýli og náttúru landslag Changsha. The tour was an excellent opportunity for employees to connect with nature, strengthen teamwork, and experience the spirit of adventure.Lestu meira -
OHO’s Canton Fair Record: Achievements and New Milestones at the 2023 Event
At the 2023 Canton Fair, Oho hafði mikil áhrif með því að sýna nýjar vörur og tengjast mögulegum viðskiptavinum. The event marked a significant milestone in OHO's ongoing efforts to expand its market presence and solidify its position as an industry leader.Lestu meira -
VAKNAÐU 2023 Mid-Year Report: Reflecting on Achievements, Hlakka til framtíðar
OHO's 2023 mid-year report reflects on the company's accomplishments, with a focus on team success, product innovation, and market growth. Looking ahead, OHO aims to continue its path of excellence, delivering high-quality cold plunge pools and expanding into new markets.Lestu meira -
OHO New Product Launch: One-Person DWF Inflatable Ice Bath Barrel for Effective Recovery
OHO introduces the latest One-Person DWF Inflatable Ice Bath Barrel, featuring excellent durability and easy inflation. Perfect for high-frequency commercial use, including gyms and therapy centers. Provide your clients with efficient cold therapy and elevate your business offering.Lestu meira -
OHO Introduces Premium Ice Bath Cooling System for Cold Bath Pools
OHO's Premium Ice Bath Cooling System offers an advanced solution for rapid and energy-efficient cooling of cold bath pools. Designed with durability and ease of use in mind, this system is perfect for commercial applications that require consistent and reliable performance. Save on energy costs while providing superior service to…Lestu meira -
We Are OHO, We Are The Best!
OHO is a leading provider of inflatable cold plunge pools and sauna tents designed to meet the needs of modern businesses. Our products are engineered for durability, portability, and superior performance in outdoor and wellness environments. Trusted by businesses worldwide, OHO delivers reliable and innovative products that enhance recovery and…Lestu meira